sábado, junio 13, 2009

52. Simply glad

Publicado por Alba |

That summer I spent in Italy and hooked up with, let's call her, Italian Battalion, I learned there is a finite amount of happiness in the world. Just like there is a monthly sex quota allowed per inhabitant.

Ridiculous, right? That's exactly what I thought and so I transmitted my feelings on the matter to Miss Battalion, snort included. But the fucker was convincing and, in truth, she had some good arguments.

Suppose that it is that way. There is just so much happiness available. Now, assume it is up to us how we distribute it. In reality, we could all be fairly happy at once, content at least. But, of course, absolut power corrupts absolutely and the pursuit of absolute happiness has no absolute end. It is all relative. All over, people are so afraid their neighbour is going to use more than their share, that they constantly trip them just in case. And, if they happen to get a little extra dosage in the trade, so be it.

How else do you explain envy, which is essentially the base for every form of hate, from xenophobia to sexism.

Like I said, the bitch had some good points.

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