jueves, abril 22, 2010

365. Cela ne m'étonne pas

Publicado por Alba |

Je me rappelle. Lorsque j'ai rencontré F, environ deux mois après S, j'ai pensé. "Je devrais les présenter, ces deux-là." F ne m'a pas rappelé après notre premier -et dernier- rencard et S est réapparue pour me dire qu'elle avait rencontré quelqu'un d'autre. A cet instant, j'ai su. Je sais pas pourquoi mais cela était évident. F était ce quelqu'un d'autre.

Donc voilà. J'ai commencé à écrire dans ma tête ma partie du dialogue pour le scénario qui se produira lorsque nous nous se retrouverons toutes les trois. Moi, je serai seule, comme d'habitude. Elles peut-être seront dans une position compromettante, incontestablement ensemble. J'essayerai de sauver la face, en faisant une blague sur le destin. Cela serait moi dans ce moment-là qui leur apprendra que les deux couchaient à droite et à gauche. Et que probablement la même semaine qu'elles se sont rencontrées j'avais été avec l'une d'elles. Deux, trois jours, qui sait, deux, trois heures avant de leur première rencontre, toutes les deux étaient toujours partiellement à moi.

Cela va être gênant.

(OOD: 27.04.2011)

miércoles, abril 21, 2010

364. Sad time

Publicado por Alba |

I bite my tongue and hope for the worst. Some things I just don't need to know and that's fine. Which is probably the underlying reason for my lack of social ambition. It spares me a lot of effort in the end.

martes, abril 20, 2010

363. Back pocketing

Publicado por Alba |

I must've been in so many back pockets, throughout the years and still, I don't even know where I stand. I usually manage to dig a hole through the fabric and slip out, unnoticed. It's a slow process, as I take my time and enjoy the ride while I'm at it. Which I absolutely shouldn't do.

lunes, abril 19, 2010

362. Invento

Publicado por Alba |

Nada más llegar a casa, se sentó en su escritorio y encendió el portátil. Entró en Facebook y se hizo fan de "Tías chungas yonkarras de estación que te recuerdan a una de tus ex (en qué estaría yo pensando?)".

Qué gran era ésta que vivimos.

domingo, abril 18, 2010


Publicado por Alba |

sábado, abril 17, 2010


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viernes, abril 16, 2010


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jueves, abril 15, 2010

358. High

Publicado por Alba |

Her time came. She made it come, and she went out on a high note. Her first and last heroine high, that was. She went out like all the great ones, keeping her dignity and fucking enjoying herself while doing it. What a lady.

miércoles, abril 14, 2010

357. Spite

Publicado por Alba |

I'd always known I'd be the one to find her dead. Me, whom she hated most. She would go to such lengths as to will herself to die on my watch.

martes, abril 13, 2010

356. Some

Publicado por Alba |

I'll teach you some, cause I know I got things you could do with. I'll let you change me into whatever you want, as long as that's what I already am.

lunes, abril 12, 2010

355. Trance

Publicado por Alba |

In a trance, you lock foreheads and start dancing softly to the hypnotic tune, covered in sweat. Goofy grins on your faces, halfway closed eyes. Everything's blurry, and hot, and nothing's ever felt as right as this moment.

domingo, abril 11, 2010

354. Frío

Publicado por Alba |

Vuelve el gusto por lo frío, por el olor seco del hielo. Mudarme al Polo y respirar escarcha hasta que no sienta el paladar y pierda la lengua por congelación.

En ausencia absoluta de calor, no hay deseo.

sábado, abril 10, 2010

353. Not playing along

Publicado por Alba |

- That's so funny how it all came down.
- You know I did that on purpose, right? Things don't just happen, I make them happen.

viernes, abril 09, 2010

352. Playing on

Publicado por Alba |

- You go.
- Yahtzee!
- What? Is that what you're playing?
- Right. That's what we are doing.
- I thought we were playing Ship, Captain, and Crew.
- Oh. Well, I wasn't.
- So, who's winning, then?
- I guess we both are.
- Awesome, I love it. Let's play on.

jueves, abril 08, 2010

351. Detrás

Publicado por Alba |

Detrás de las acciones se pueden ver las palabras que se pueden ver detrás de las miradas. Son detalles, son pistas que hablan y dicen volúmenes. Detrás de, detrás de, detrás de. Y detrás de todo siempre están los deseos, aunque no se dejen ver.

miércoles, abril 07, 2010

350. Antimuse

Publicado por Alba |

And if your muse sucks away your inspiration rather than draw it, just fucking put down the paintbrush and enjoy it.

martes, abril 06, 2010

349. Babbling baboon

Publicado por Alba |

It must be a curse, really, to have everyone that lays a hand on you fall madly and irreversibly in love with you. It's a heavy burden to carry, I'll give you that.

Cold showers, just what the doctor ordered.

lunes, abril 05, 2010

348. Hoy tengo pánico al folio en blanco

Publicado por Alba |

domingo, abril 04, 2010

347. Game

Publicado por Alba |

Your lips tell a story that sound a lot like don't come near me, it is the worst idea since two sided toilet paper. Because you're classy like that and I do like that about you.

I promise to stay away and cross my heart and of course that means I'm game.

sábado, abril 03, 2010

346. Burnt out

Publicado por Alba |

And out of the ashes of its own bitterness it shall rise again. More majestic and cynical than ever.

viernes, abril 02, 2010

345. Project

Publicado por Alba |

Projecting, like she couldn't helped doing, she saw herself coming back. Being exactly at the same point in, let's say a year's time. She was as thin as she'd ever been and her head was harder and heavier than ever.

She didn't know what to make of it, so she decided not to overthink it. She had a smile on her face and that was enough. That was more than enough, for now.

jueves, abril 01, 2010

344. Undermining

Publicado por Alba |

Someone, who undoubtedly works for The Man, has hired a mining crew to tunnel a way in to my core. They drill tirelessly, day and night, working to undermine my confidence, speck by speck.

They expect it to dry out in the next few weeks.
