jueves, diciembre 31, 2009

253. How much of your life is your fault?

Publicado por Alba |

- Bottom line.
- Fuck you.
- Can we just agree to disagree?
- I said: Fuck you.

miércoles, diciembre 30, 2009

252. Rare

Publicado por Alba |

She said a nice thing about him. To him. And he realized he did no longer feel a thing for her. Except, maybe, contempt. And when her name appeared on the screen, all he felt was the urge to lose her number.

martes, diciembre 29, 2009

251. Façon de parler

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- Ta gueule!

lunes, diciembre 28, 2009

250. Faites ce que je dis, pas ce que je fais

Publicado por Alba |

- Tu l'amies bien, alors?
- Le problème c'est qu'elle m'aime bien. Donc, y a un truc qui cloche chez elle, non?

domingo, diciembre 27, 2009

249. Best behaviour

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She who sealed it, dealt it.

sábado, diciembre 26, 2009

248. Pop rocks in my dessert

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Vanilla ice cream, chocolate stuffing and icing sugar. With fudge. The real treat is the fizz, along with the afterwards stomach explosion.

viernes, diciembre 25, 2009

247. A story

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Every once in a while, a moment in time. We could all use a story.

jueves, diciembre 24, 2009

246. You're free

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You get to make mistakes.

miércoles, diciembre 23, 2009

245. Neat guy

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Not unlike most seriously deranged sociopaths, I am organized to a sick point. My killing tools are impeccable, and kept far away from my eating utensils. It just makes sense.

martes, diciembre 22, 2009

244. No taking it back

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Unlike you, she would've done something about it. And that makes all the difference in the world. It is your passiveness that shows just how little you've cared.

lunes, diciembre 21, 2009

243. Self preservation reaction

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Love my life, forget about the rest.

domingo, diciembre 20, 2009

242. Inconvenient

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A friend called in a chatty mood and we talked for a while. Now she's going to assume it was you on the phone and go about as if you and I were still together. Everyone else has figured out something must have happened between us, since the long calls stopped and I have stayed put. But not her, she wasn't here. She doesn't know.

This disrupts the natural order of things, again.

sábado, diciembre 19, 2009

241. The shape of things to come

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It could be big. I'm talking real big, otherworldly. And there ain't no reason you shouldn't be able to see it too, unveiled and straight-out. But it's all the same, because you won't.

viernes, diciembre 18, 2009

240. Tard

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C'est plus tard. Trop tard pour écrire un happy end.

jueves, diciembre 17, 2009

239. Regret

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Et tu me laissas partir. Et alors? Je parie que tu aimerais rêver de moi toutes les nuits.

miércoles, diciembre 16, 2009

238. Can't put a price on that

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When my dad finally paid off the house he was convinced he had made the purchase of his life. That land, he announced, was going to go up sooner or later and pay for itself.

He was right, in a way. Although he didn't seem to think so after the nuclear plant was installed in the neighbourhood. But, the way I see it, there really is no amount of money you can pay to get your children to develop super human abilities in puberty.

martes, diciembre 15, 2009

237. Another body to bury

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The plot thickens. You take another life and you tell another lie just to try and smoke her out and you get burned. Another farce to gloss over every time it comes up, making you feel guilty and unworthy.

lunes, diciembre 14, 2009

236. Exhaustion

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"Meh", he managed to exhale before falling flat on his face. Then, the lights went out.

domingo, diciembre 13, 2009

235. Out of sight

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"It's really just this easy to fully erase someone out of my life", she thought, as she store that someone's crap away, to be sealed in a nice little package which was hopefully never to be opened again.

sábado, diciembre 12, 2009

234. Leave me tonight

Publicado por Alba |

You could've left me that night, the last one, before you went ahead and betrayed me. You would've had a clean slate and my heart would be whole.

I don't bother with such nonsense now, but that's the thing. You see, I don't need to trust anymore.

viernes, diciembre 11, 2009

233. Receptáculo defectuoso

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Miras atrás y descubres cada conversación como una entrevista, repasando todos los puntos de un guión donde se te comparaba con el anterior receptáculo.

jueves, diciembre 10, 2009

232. Le premier jour du rest de ma vie

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Cela sera quand?

miércoles, diciembre 09, 2009

231. Loco

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Concédete a ti mismo estar loco, pero no se lo perdones a los demás. Ellos no lo harían.

martes, diciembre 08, 2009

230. Vejación

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La genialidad, y a la vez la gran putada, de un documento escrito es que se puede volver a leer. Tantas veces como se quiera, cuando se quiera. Puede ser a los cinco minutos o en cinco meses.

Lo que está escrito se puede borrar, hacer trizas si está en papel incluso, o en cualquier caso tirar a la basura. Pero nadie nos puede salvar de releer un escrito guardado. A veces es más fuerte que nosotros.

lunes, diciembre 07, 2009

229. Peu à peu

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Elle se décida, c'était la première chose. On connaît la suite.

domingo, diciembre 06, 2009

228. All bark

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Will you live up to your big words? I really hope you're not all bark and no bite, because I'm dying to be bitten. So sharpen that pretty set of teeth and dig in deep, leave your mark. I've been saving up my skin precisely for those incisives.

Take a big bite, you bitch.

sábado, diciembre 05, 2009

227. Il y a un truc qui ne va pas

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Je veux être sûre de ce que tu me dis. Je pourrais deviner, mais je ne le saurai pas avec certitude. Je te donnerai le bénéfice du doute, mais ce ne sera pas sans hésitation.

viernes, diciembre 04, 2009

226. Go steady

Publicado por Alba |

I got your back. Always have, always will. Throw thick and thin, I'll stand by you. You just throw any and all kinds of drama at me, I'll take it. Every low, specially the lowest, you know I am there. I am your rock.

But if there's ever a happy occasion, don't count on me to do any celebrating.

jueves, diciembre 03, 2009

225. The Universe rolls around, as it did

Publicado por Alba |

Time is cyclical, you thought. So you figured, next time the Universe ended and started over, you'd make me trip. You had a momentary advantage and you ran like hell, trying to leave me behind. When fate brought us to the same room, as it always has, you panicked for a second. Weeks went by and you thought you were save.

It might've taken me almost three months, but I can see you now. You don't fool me.

miércoles, diciembre 02, 2009

224. Never test the depth of water with both feet

Publicado por Alba |

You can try and try as you may, certain things aren't meant to be. Life has a way of sending you the right signals at the right times. It's up to you to either listen to them, or ignore them completely and jump in with both feet.

martes, diciembre 01, 2009

223. Chinche caparroso

Publicado por Alba |

Si era verdad que existían infinitos Universos paralelos en los que todas las decisiones de su vida -y las de los demás- podían ser potencialmente de insignificantemente diferentes a completamente opuestas, estaba segura de que existía uno en el que había tomado todas y cada una de las decisiones que había hecho en éste. Pero en el que las decisiones tomadas por los de su alrededor eran tanto así distintas como para haber ocasionado que todas sus decisiones, las de ella, fueran las óptimas. Y esa ella misma de ese preciso Universo alternativo, esa perra oportunista, le había robado la suerte.
