Now, that's more like it. Her, he would have liked. He would have thought she was unconventionally beautiful. That seemed quite an important detail for him. Somehow it made it all the more deserving and fairy tale-like in his mind.
My little brother would have definitely approved of this girl, had he lived to meet her. I can close my eyes and imagine we are down at the bar, talking about how, this time, he is convinced she is the one for me. "Choices are half chance", he would say. "But damn it if you can't make a good one. I can see you with no one else, E. This is the one for you, I'm sure." Of course, I would believe him. The kid was never wrong in his life. Not once.
"It wasn't a choice, because there was never a question", I would say, already half-inebriated and shame-free. He would nod, both approving and understandingly.
And we would finish our beers without speaking another word. With him smiling to me like the proud big brother he never was but always acted as, and me with a big doofus grin. Both drunk from happiness and pride.
My little brother would have definitely approved of this girl, had he lived to meet her. I can close my eyes and imagine we are down at the bar, talking about how, this time, he is convinced she is the one for me. "Choices are half chance", he would say. "But damn it if you can't make a good one. I can see you with no one else, E. This is the one for you, I'm sure." Of course, I would believe him. The kid was never wrong in his life. Not once.
"It wasn't a choice, because there was never a question", I would say, already half-inebriated and shame-free. He would nod, both approving and understandingly.
And we would finish our beers without speaking another word. With him smiling to me like the proud big brother he never was but always acted as, and me with a big doofus grin. Both drunk from happiness and pride.
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