Overused, stereotypical. Expected and predictable. Often used pejoratively and/or for comedic effect.
Clichés as big as the good old days. Oh, ye olde days with its damsels in distress. You can't win with clichés, you take two steps forward, one step back. Try and think outside the box, and you'll find that, inevitably, it tastes like chicken. Laugh an evil laugh like that stock character in that very special episode. You listen, she says, long walks on the beach. And you nod, monkey see monkey do.
Fairy tales, pirates, superheroes, supervillains -how about those mad scientists, huh? Talk about perpetuating a negative stereotype: don't pursue higher education, you might become the next Dr. Doom-, boy and girl next door, femme fatales, fag hags, lolitas, space nazis, tomboys, valley girls, swamp monsters, town drunks and fools, The Man, evil clowns, elderly martial arts masters, dumb blondes, lipstick lesbians, butch bulldykes, sacrificial lambs, leprechauns, cavemen, killbots, know-it-alls, knight-errants (chinese or otherwise), hookers with a heart of gold. I could go on.
Pick a couple of those, mix it up and draw the same boy-meets-girl tired tale we have all seen a million times. It just doesn't get old.
50,000,000 Elvis fans can't be wrong. What would Jesus do: Electric Boogaloo? Eskimo words for snow are the new black. Got milk? Have gun - will travel. The mother of all battles. The Bastard Operator From Hell.
You know what? It's the economy, stupid. We just can't afford to be creative. I can't eat, I can't seem to sleep. And this right here, is the biggest cliché ever. Which doesn't stop it from being true.
Clichés as big as the good old days. Oh, ye olde days with its damsels in distress. You can't win with clichés, you take two steps forward, one step back. Try and think outside the box, and you'll find that, inevitably, it tastes like chicken. Laugh an evil laugh like that stock character in that very special episode. You listen, she says, long walks on the beach. And you nod, monkey see monkey do.
Fairy tales, pirates, superheroes, supervillains -how about those mad scientists, huh? Talk about perpetuating a negative stereotype: don't pursue higher education, you might become the next Dr. Doom-, boy and girl next door, femme fatales, fag hags, lolitas, space nazis, tomboys, valley girls, swamp monsters, town drunks and fools, The Man, evil clowns, elderly martial arts masters, dumb blondes, lipstick lesbians, butch bulldykes, sacrificial lambs, leprechauns, cavemen, killbots, know-it-alls, knight-errants (chinese or otherwise), hookers with a heart of gold. I could go on.
Pick a couple of those, mix it up and draw the same boy-meets-girl tired tale we have all seen a million times. It just doesn't get old.
50,000,000 Elvis fans can't be wrong. What would Jesus do: Electric Boogaloo? Eskimo words for snow are the new black. Got milk? Have gun - will travel. The mother of all battles. The Bastard Operator From Hell.
You know what? It's the economy, stupid. We just can't afford to be creative. I can't eat, I can't seem to sleep. And this right here, is the biggest cliché ever. Which doesn't stop it from being true.
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