miércoles, marzo 31, 2010

343. Trick of the light

Publicado por Alba |

"It's just a trick of the light", she said, putting her magic back into her pocket. She zipped it close and none of us ever saw it again.

martes, marzo 30, 2010

342. Clearer

Publicado por Alba |

You know that phenomenon that occurs when you are traveling, driving in your car to some place you have already been, at least a few times, and as you approach your destination the familiarity of the scenery, or maybe even just your subconscious, triggers memories you didn't even know you had? Before you get where you're going, it almost feels like you've just been there, like no time has passed. It feels nearer and more real to you even though you are not there yet.

That can also happen with certain people. The immenence of their presence can super-charge them in your memory. Like, for instance, you can hear their voice clearer than you usually can, even when you try hard. Now it's just there, close to your ear, as if it had never parted.

lunes, marzo 29, 2010

341. Cuento para dormir

Publicado por Alba |

- Cuéntame un cuento -me pide.
- ¿Qué clase de cuento te gustaría?
- Un cuento para dormir.
- ¿A media tarde?
- ¿Por qué no?
- Para dormir la siesta, entonces, será, ¿no?
- No, no. No pienso dormirme. Sólo quiero que me cuentes un cuento para dormir.
- Está bien. ¿Sobre qué quieres el cuento?
- Ah, no sé, eso como quieras tú. Tú sólo cuéntame un cuento.
- Para dormir.
- Exacto.
- Pues un cuento aburrido, tendrá que ser.
- O no. Yo no te he dicho un cuento que me duerma ni que me dé ganas de dormir. Tan sólo un cuento para dormir.
- Éramos una vez...

domingo, marzo 28, 2010

340. No aid

Publicado por Alba |

Her husband died from the virus, too. Fishermen don't usually bother with rubbers, and prostitutes can't really afford them, I guess. Ten dollars a night don't buy you much.

She had three kids, and when the last to be born died, they figured out she also had it. Now she's thin as one can be before turning into a flesh-clean skeleton, and her kids will be alone in the world.

She breathes in. To live is to hurt, she tells her oldest. And she breathes out, for the last time.

And whitey had his fish and chips that night.

sábado, marzo 27, 2010

339. Leap

Publicado por Alba |

- Telling the truth, eh? Bold move.
- Well, you never know. It just might set you free.

viernes, marzo 26, 2010

338. Jalousie

Publicado por Alba |

Serais-je assez heureuse pour que tu sois jalouse, elle t'a dit, avec son regard. Parce que alors je saurais que c'est vrai.

jueves, marzo 25, 2010

337. C'est toujours compliqué

Publicado por Alba |

- Tu fais quoi?
- Je pense...
- À quoi?
- À toi.
- Ok.

miércoles, marzo 24, 2010

336. Memory triggers

Publicado por Alba |

A certain sound, a very particular silence, and you're back in time. Was this even your life or just a movie you watched? The vaguest feeling that, indeed, you used to go to that doctor's office regularly. What kind of doctor, though? You want to say dentist, but you're not quite sure. In your head, you can only see a waiting room. You try to move through your memories, get to the examining room, maybe. Door's locked.

In the middle of this past life, it hits you. There's not a chance in hell anybody's ever going to fully get you. How could they, they have no idea what you've been through. There are things even you don't understand, since you've spent your life so busy you're starting to forget about yourself.

martes, marzo 23, 2010

335. Food for thought

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"And if she scares easy", I said out loud, but to myself, "I'll just back off".

lunes, marzo 22, 2010

334. Heavy petting

Publicado por Alba |

You, me. Mutual consent. What do you say?

domingo, marzo 21, 2010

333. Fascinación por lo cotidiano

Publicado por Alba |

Os admiro. A vosotros que podéis leerme la mente y simplemente decirlo. Que conseguís decirlo por las buenas sin decirlo siquiera. Con los que me puedo comunicar sin necesidad de tantas palabras.

Los que habláis. Los que escucháis. Los que os quedáis. Los que os vais y siempre volvéis. Los que estáis y los que sois. A los que os importa. Los que os dais cuenta.

sábado, marzo 20, 2010

332. Bemoles

Publicado por Alba |

Así quiero vivir. Con la certeza de que el pasado está completo, no acepta ni una milésima más, y la convicción de que el futuro está vacío, pero vacío para llenarlo hasta los topes.

viernes, marzo 19, 2010

331. Raw honesty

Publicado por Alba |

Night of disgust, night of awakenings, night of honesty. To be honest, this isn't as fictional as either have been some of the last bits.

It may not be the time right now, but when the time comes, I hope you come around. That's what I intend to do.

But enough of this I-novel for now.

jueves, marzo 18, 2010

330. La tontería

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Señorita, si no le importa, que yo no me caso con nadie. Según parece.

miércoles, marzo 17, 2010

329. Downright

Publicado por Alba |

I got a bit of a double take because, I realized, he had the same voice as somebody else I knew. The same tone and timbre, the same diction. Downright to the huskiness.

martes, marzo 16, 2010

328. Maintenant

Publicado por Alba |

Plus ça changé, plus c'est le même chose. Aujourd'hui, avec toi, ou plutôt sans toi, et être sans elle, c'est pareil. Alors, on n'a plus qu'à trouver la façon de nous en trouver.

lunes, marzo 15, 2010

327. Calmandito

Publicado por Alba |

Empiezas un proyecto de un año de duración y te preguntas dónde estarás cuando termine. Cuán diferente serán las cosas, qué te habrá pasado en ese tiempo. Pasado el plazo, miras atrás, recuerdas esos pensamientos y te respondes que sigues en el mismo sitio, que nada cambió y que, realmente, no te pasó nada tan memorable.

Y no es porque no sea verdad, es porque el que responde la pregunta no es el mismo que la formuló. Ahora le restas importancia a los cambios que en su momento supusieron un gran desajuste, das por hecho lo movido y lo vivido. Y así, no se puede.

domingo, marzo 14, 2010

326. Futile

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And yes, you can wait patiently for three hundred and sixty-four days and break under the pressure on the eve of the three hundred and sixty-fifth, just when she was about to decide it was time to let you in. But that's a very different story.

sábado, marzo 13, 2010

325. Despondent

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Looking back, she realized it had been but a fleeting moment. And moments never come back. They can change your life, they can mark you for it, but they never return as they were. But she moved on, and made new moments happen. Just as good and even better ones, because the best is always yet to come.

viernes, marzo 12, 2010

324. You should see other people

Publicado por Alba |

And then I go and spoil it all by doing something stupid like agreeing with you.

jueves, marzo 11, 2010

323. Power

Publicado por Alba |

That, which a lot seem to want and effectively seek, in reality is simple. Very simple. As simple as being able to say no, with the world's utmost convinction.

miércoles, marzo 10, 2010

322. Confess

Publicado por Alba |

It is true I have stayed still, in hopes you would fit right into me. I undressed you with my eyes, I have. And in a not so dark corner of my mind I have done certain thing to you that, although you didn't exactly complain, I wouldn't confess to you.

martes, marzo 09, 2010

321. Zen

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Nothing is as good in real time as it is in my mind, she said. Bue when I look into your eyes, or even when remembering the feeling I get when I do, I'm kind of OK with it.

lunes, marzo 08, 2010

320. Shameless

Publicado por Alba |

That day, I gave up. I resolved to stop trying, and decided to go out with a bang. So I allowed myself to fantasize about you one last time, in an extremely explicit way. Shamelessly, for once.

Sure enough, the very next day there was a new sign in the mail that it was me you wanted. And now I have to start all over again. No shame, though.

domingo, marzo 07, 2010

319. Heavy heart

Publicado por Alba |

When the heart weighs heavy on the soul, you listen to what it has to say. Even if it's saying you're missing something. Even if that something you're missing doesn't depend on you alone. Even so, you have to listen.

sábado, marzo 06, 2010

318. Rainbow

Publicado por Alba |

I didn't mark the calendar, but I remember the exact day we met. You could say it was a happy coincidence, as a member of my family had been born early that morning.

It was August, middle of the summer, so of course it was a sunny day. And there she came, into my life, a perfect crystal prism. I held it up to the sun and, splash, there was color everywhere.

As simple as that, that's the difference she makes in my world. The difference between monochrome and the rainbow.

viernes, marzo 05, 2010

317. J'ai compris

Publicado por Alba |

J'ai saisi l'allusion.

jueves, marzo 04, 2010

316. How tender, you said

Publicado por Alba |

Naivety and helplessness beget a shiver of tenderness in me. Tenderness in others just fucking breaks my heart, for some reason.

miércoles, marzo 03, 2010

315. Negotiations

Publicado por Alba |

She drives a hard bargain and an old car. Or so she claims, I'm more inclined to think she might be a big softie, deep down. Maybe not even that deep down. But I can see she likes to do things right, and she knows a deal is a deal. Negotiations take time, and we should take ours.

martes, marzo 02, 2010

314. Delicate

Publicado por Alba |

There were several, if not infinite, possibilities. Best case scenario, they were both on the same page and, no, they weren't scared at all. It was delicate, they had to watch their step in case they slipped through the cracks. You never know.

lunes, marzo 01, 2010

313. Histoire de ma vie

Publicado por Alba |

Je crois que j'ai enfin trouvé la bonne. C'est vraiment dommage que le moment était et encore est inopportun.
